What is Cloisonne with a short Tutorial

In My cloisonne (pronounced cloy-zon-ay, tutorial you will see some of my steps to create these ”partition” translated in French means Cloisonne. This ancient metalwork technique that makes use of small, precious metal filaments and colorful glass enamels for brilliant artwork. The metal wires are bent into shapes to create small cells, (partitions) of designs, and many coats of finely ground glass enamel are fired into them until one unique piece of art is rendered. Cloisonne is most commonly used in jewelry making, through illustrations of the craft can be found in many facets of the art world, including the production of hand-made dishes, vases, and abstract pottery.

Though the art form’s origins are most likely Middle Eastern, Chinese Cloisonne is the most renowned and permeated throughout the world. Cloisonnes popularity spread quickly throughout Asia and Europe, and examples of the art can be seen in Byzantine mosaics, inside Saint Mark’s Basilica in Venice, and in prized Russian Czarist jewelry.

The most notable quality in Cloisonne is the art master’s exceptional attention to detail in creating unique designs from the pure silver base and 24 karat gold filaments. Every design is handcrafted, which guarantees a matchless piece of art each time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloisonn%C3%A9

Custom designs are often painted on paper with watercolors prior to beginning the process in order to estimate the appearance of the final product.

What is Cloisonné

What is Cloisonné

After the original artwork is decided upon, the metal ribbon-like strands of 24 karat gold wire are individually bent, twisted and oftentimes soldered together to produce a blueprint for where the colored enamels will later be painted. And this drawing is used to make the intricate design.

What is Cloisonne Enamel

What is Cloisonné Enamel


With my design complete I began the wire work. As a process, I first form the base metal of fine silver, into the shape of the desired project. Then, the cloisonné wire – made of pure gold, is bent into shapes that define the colored areas of the finished piece. All bends are made of this fine gold ribbon, at right angles to the base allowing them to stand on their own and be fused to the fine silver.




. After the enamel has dried, it is fired in a kiln and repeated until the desired color and depth is achieved. The jewel is then ground and polished to form a smooth surface and a setting built for the cloisonné piece in 18k gold.

   Cloisonne Explained!


Cloisonne and Everything you need to know! Hope you have enjoyed my Cloisonne Tutorial




  1. Ann Pledger

    Great work

    • Patsy Croft

      Thank you!


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