by Patsy Croft | Aug 11, 2013 | Building a Good Foundation
A new enameling kiln is the most important investment an enamelist will make. It pretty simple to be sure it will have a long life by preventing the enamels from sticking to the floor of the kiln. by using kiln wash. You can purchase this from me on my kiln...
by Patsy Croft | Jun 3, 2011 | Building a Good Foundation
Great book on watercolors. She uses the white of the paper to stay bright as we would use our fine silver. Adding warm colors and light to make the information come forward, adding shadows and cool colors to create distance. Try the exercise she has, it helps you...
by Patsy Croft | Jun 1, 2011 | Building a Good Foundation
Watercolors are a great way to get your enamel designs together and see on paper first, to helps to know your imaginations view will be delivered in your final enameling design. A set of Winsor Newton Travel Watercolors, with a block of watercolor paper that...
by Patsy Croft | Apr 6, 2010 | Building a Good Foundation, Cloisonne Jewelry Techniques
In designing you cloisonne fine jewelry here is something to keep in mind. I want to show you what happens in cloisonne as wires attract heat and cause the base meal to distort. This is a cloisonne piece I am currently working on and thought it would be a...
by Patsy Croft | Mar 27, 2010 | Building a Good Foundation, Enamels, Properties, Firing Times and Color Charts
Keeping Things Clean in an Enameling Studio I read everything I can find on enameling. And last year I found a book written in the late 1800’s. There was a chapter on keeping the studio and kiln clean. I was happy to see this as I have heard many many times how...
by Patsy Croft | Feb 15, 2010 | Building a Good Foundation, Cloisonne Jewelry Techniques
A tip credited to Valeri Timofeev . “thick metal = thin enamel, thin metal = thick enamel” This means if you are enameling say cloisonne, you can get pretty thick enamels on the metal plate of your choice, as long as you counter the same thickness. I have...