If you have not done this before you really have to check out her enamel classes on her website enamel workshop.com & https://www.youtube.com/@enamelWorkshop is also a place where she shares 79 videos on how to Enamel. This week she has shared her exploration of...
A Commission for Cynthia Jarvis Governor Elect (2022-2024) For her inauguration as governor for Soroptimist International – Camino Real Region Soroptimist is a global volunteer organization that provides women and girls with access to the education and training they...
Opalescent Enamel Glass On Metal, Volume 13, No. 6, December 1994 By Woodrow Carpenter – On the back cover you will find an announcement for a lead-free opalescent enamel. More than three years of work has gone into this development. If a few simple procedures...
Plique a Jour Samples I have been asked this week, “have you used opals and would you use them for plique a jour?” So I wanted to share some samples I made the year of the Poppy Project to help answer this question. First we have choices to take classes or research. I...
Schauer Leaded Enamels Check out this line of enamels. With Schauer Leaded Enamels, the manuturfacture included the temperature that each enamel should be fired at. And which enamel work best with the given metals....